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Determining Youth Radicalization in Jordan

ICSVE research paper featured in Security Solutions by Anne Speckhard Following the November 2015 Paris terrorist attacks, Jordan’s King Abdallah proclaimed, “ The world is facing another global conflict, and a fast response is needed to deal with the threat.”…

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Qatar and the Terrorism Blame Game

ICSVE research paper featured in Security Solutions by Anne Speckhard Between January 19, 2018 and January 24, 2018, a delegation of researchers and academics from the U.S. think-tanks and non-profit organizations, which also included researchers from the International Center for…

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Qatar and the Terrorism Blame Game

Anne Speckhard, Ph.D. PDF here Between January 19, 2018 and January 24, 2018, a delegation of researchers and academics from the U.S. think-tanks and non-profit organizations, which also included researchers from the International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism…

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