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Online article on Vice, covering an HBO Documentary, “Cubs of the Caliphate.” Anne Speckhard quotedOnline article on Vice, covering an HBO Documentary, “Cubs of the Caliphate.” Anne Speckhard quoted By Isobel Yeung Oct 13, 2017 VICE’s “Cubs of the Caliphate” airs on…

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ICSVE – Update from the President’s Corner

By Anne Speckhard, Ph.D. The International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism (ICSVE) is an action-based non-profit research center that operates the Breaking the ISIS Brand—Counter-Narratives Project, which uses insider voices of ISIS defectors, returnees and prisoners, to denounce the group as well…

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Winning against al-Qaeda and ISIS: The Case for Combining Deradicalization with Disengagement Approaches in Prison and Community Programs Addressing Former and Current Members of Militant Jihadi Groups

Anne Speckhard, Ph.D., and Ardian Shajkovci, Ph.D.  PDF here INTRODUCTION Even after decades of military efforts and loss of human lives on the part of western governments against terrorist groups like al-Qaeda, and most recently ISIS, these interventions have proven…

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You Blow Yourself Up

By Anne Speckhard Another video clip in the Breaking the ISIS Brand--ISIS Cadres Counter-Narrative Project, "You Blow Yourself Up" produced by ICSVE's Zack Baddorf is based on Anne Speckhard's and Ahmet S. Yayla's interview of Syrian ISIS defector, Abu Abdullah. In this video…

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ISIS in al-Shadadi

Over the last two years the International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism (ICSVE) has interviewed 62 ISIS defectors, returnees and prisoners, most denouncing ISIS, in our Breaking the ISIS Brand Counter-Narrative Project. ICSVE has been capturing these interviews on video which…

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