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American ISIS Defector

Mohamad Jamal Khweis  & the Threat Posed by “Clean Skin” Terrorists: Unanswered Questions and Confirmations The case of twenty-six-year-old Mohamad Jamal Khweis—the American-born son of Palestinian immigrants living in Alexandria, Virginia—found by Kurdish Peshmerga forces escaping ISIS-controlled territory near Sinjar,…

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Taking in Refugees is Good for America

Jewish Journal article quoting ICSVE Director Anne Speckhard, Ph.D. by Veronique de Rugy March 2, 2016 We all intuitively understand that if your friend loses his house in a hurricane, the right thing to do is to invite him to…

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Deadly Interactions

World Policy Journal article by ICSVE Deputy Director Ahmet S Yayla, Ph.D. From the Winter 2015/16 Issue By Ahmet S. Yayla ŞANLIURFA, Turkey—With  its  history going back 11,000 years, Şanlıurfa, Turkey, is one of the world’s oldest continuous settlements. The…

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