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Turkey’s failed coup: A victory for ISIS

Op ed in The Hill by ICSVE Director, Anne Speckhard, Ph.D. and Deputy Director Ahmet S Yayla, Ph.D. July 20, 2016 As the July 15 coup attempt was taking place in Turkey, Turkish-speaking ISIS social media lit up against the…

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Turkey, Erdogan, and the Coup that Wasn’t

World Policy Journal article by ICSVE Deputy Director Ahmet S Yayla, Ph.D. By Ahmet S. Yayla Friday’s unsuccessful attempt at a military coup in Turkey unfolded against the backdrop of continued struggles between Erdogan and the AKP Government. However strongly…

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Truck Driver Identified in Bastille Day Attack in Nice

Gawker article referring to the ICSVE research by Brendan O'Connor - July 15, 2016 The mayor of Nice’s office has identified the driver in Thursday’s attack as Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, a 31-year-old Frenchman of Tunisian descent, NBC News reports. His identity card was…

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