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Nice terror attack Islamic State terror call targets Australia

News Corp Australia Network article featuring ICSVE Director, Anne Speckhard, Ph.D. and Deputy Director Ahmet S Yayla, Ph.D.

By Cindy Wockner – July 16, 2016

ISLAMIC State has long called for the use of cars and trucks in terrorist attacks.

The most recent call only weeks ago, during Ramadan, came in a sophisticated video production which ordered followers to “fill your cars with gas” and specifically mentioned Australia.

The image purportedly shows a driver preparing to run over crowds in Australia.

The International Centre for the Study of Violent Extremism has obtained the video, which it describes as sophisticated and disturbing.

Released during Ramadan and produced by the ISIS media centre, the video shows images of American soldiers returned injured and the beheading of Westerners, and calls for ISIS followers to conduct attacks in their homelands.

I just uploaded ‘Inside ISIS Chat Rooms: ICSVE Obtains ISIS Video Calling for Attacks with Vehicles’ to @academia— Ahmet S Yayla (@ahmetsyayla) July 15, 2016

Drs Anne Speckhard and Ahmet Yayla, from the ICSVE, say the video is disturbing.

Recruitment drive ... Islamic State has a sophisticated video production unit.

Recruitment drive … Islamic State has a sophisticated video production unit.Source:Supplied

“Fill your cars with gas … the video instructs as it shows an ISIS soldier readying to run civilians down. Realistic depictions of attacks are illustrated on the film: a suicide vest attack in New York City, a sniper attack in London, activating a German sleeper cell, and a driver of an SUV preparing to run over crowds in Australia. The film references using an explosive-laden truck attack,” the ICSVE report says.

The video is subtitled in English and accompanied by chanting in German.

It comes as authorities revealed the driver of the truck was a 31-year-old Frenchman of Tunisian origin. His ID was found in the truck’s cabin.

In speeches and in videos previously ISIS have suggested using cars and trucks as weapons to kill as many people as possible.

Two years ago the IS spokesman Mohammed al-Adani, in a speech, called for the killing of disbelievers, including in Australia, using any means whatsoever, such as “run him over with your car”.

“If you can kill a disbelieving American or European — especially the spiteful and filthy French — or an Australian or a Canadian, or any of the other disbelievers waging ware (against us), including the citizens of the countries that entered into a coalition against the Islamic State, then rely upon Allah and kill them in any manner or way however it may be. Smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife or run him over with your car or throw him down from a high place or choke him or poison him,” al-Adani said at the time.

His words were highlighted by Peter Neumann, the director of the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation at Kings College in London.

Mr Neumann also pointed out that “dozens and dozens” of people from Nice have gone to Syria to join IS.

An IS propaganda video in 2014, recorded in French, the call to kill people with cars was reiterated.

“Smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife or run him over with your car...”

“Smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife or run him over with your car…”Source:Supplied

“If you are unable to come to Syria or Iraq then pledge allegiance in your place — pledge allegiance in France. Operate within France. There are weapons and cars available and targets read to hit … kill them and spit in their faces and run over them with your cars.”

Al-Qaeda too has called for the deadly practice in an edition of the group’s Inspire magazine, describing pick-up trucks as the “ultimate mowing machine” to mow down the Kuffar.

“The idea is to use a pick-up truck as a mowing machine, not to mow grass but mow down the enemies of Allah,” the magazine said.

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