How to Identify Extremism in Your Community Virtual Online Training Series for Police Leaders- -…
Identifying The Threat Within – Session 1
How to Identify Extremism in Your Community
Virtual Online Training Series for Police Leaders
– Introduction to Domestic Terrorism –
Anne Speckhard PhD
Molly Ellenberg
TM Garret
Chief Jim Bueermann (ret.)
Lisa Broderick
June 09, 2022
Identifying The Threat Within is a free, four-part virtual series of 90-minute webinars for police leaders on extremism in their communities. Homegrown extremists and “lone wolves” remain the greatest domestic threat facing the country today, with the largest mass shootings of the year occurring just last month. These incidents stem from the dynamics of the communities in which these individuals live. The most accessible interventions for local police are communities which, if they do not intervene, become enablers for extremism. This suggests that community policing could have great impact on the community to help to avoid alienation and work to create increased resilience in those that are vulnerable to becoming alienated. Join us for the series, Identifying the Threat Within, designed for local law enforcement. Learn what this threat really is and how to educate their communities about how vulnerable they are. In this 4-part series you will learn a whole of community approach to identify and address homegrown extremism. Includes are strategies for identifying extremists before they act out, approaches for intervention, and providing the framework for developing your own early warning system. Series dates are June 9th and 16th Domestic Threats. June 23rd and 30th International Threats. |
Presentation used in the training session